Licensing offers brand owners an exceptional opportunity to fully leverage a brand’s potential. Successful licensing programs deliver high impact impressions, return on investment with long-term, projectable revenue, and trademark protection, all at minimal cost.
However, licensing is not without its risks. Poor quality products, unsuitable product extensions, inconsistent brand communication and inappropriate channels of distribution can dilute a brand’s treasured equity and long-standing reputation.
The Joester Loria Group eliminates such risks with our extensive industry experience and proven track record in strategic planning and analysis, product development and retail program management.
Our consulting services range from detailed feasibility studies that can include consumer research to evaluation of licensing potential for companies wishing to reposition their existing licensing business. The agency’s expertise, access to industry leaders and to retailers provides insight and solutions.
The Joester Loria Group is a full service agency that brings a highly disciplined approach in developing successful, innovative, global licensing programs for our clients. We design and execute plans that ensure all licensing activity is strategically aligned with the brand and deliver on client objectives. We become an integral part of our client’s marketing organization adding value that often extends beyond licensing and enhances core business.